What’s the best news you’ve ever heard? Christians believe the answer to that question is found in the person of Jesus.

You are warmly invited to one of our ‘...almost too good to be true’ courses. The name came from someone attending a prior course and we liked it so much, we now use it everywhere!

All our courses give you a safe space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith - Jesus Christ. Come and find out who Jesus is; what he achieved and what it means for us today.

We host evening courses in an informal group setting to explore the claims of the Christian faith. If you prefer you can meet with someone one-to-one.


The courses run over 3-6 sessions (depending on the course)

You can ask as many questions as you want or just listen

You won't be asked to do anything you might find embarrassing - like pray or sing

The courses are free

We hope to see you soon.


Why Jesus is Truly Unique

So who was this Jesus?  The startling and unique claim of the Christian faith is that Jesus was (and is) fully God and fully man.  Why do we believe Jesus was 'fully God'?  There are many reasons but the most telling is that Jesus came back from the dead and appeared to many witnesses.

Jesus' resurrection so empowered his followers that they literally risked everything to tell everyone the good news that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our rejection of God (called 'sin') and rose from the dead to show he had conquered death and that by trusting in him we can have eternal life.

For his early followers, Jesus' resurrection confirmed he was who he claimed to be - namely the King of the whole world and the only way to be right with God. In a time when Rome ruled most of the known world and the emperors were worshipped as gods, this message was both dangerous and unpopular.

The same can be said today and the evidence for Jesus' resurrection is still compelling. What will you make of this God-man?